After School
Study Center
De ce sa ne alegeti
Facem ceva mai bun pentru viitorul copilului tau.
Programe de la A la Z
Largirea orizontului didactic, realizand legatura dintre teorie si practica.
Despre noi
Colectivul nostru si-a propus sa creeze un mediu unde copiii sa invete, sa creasca, sa se dezvolte si sa lege prietenii frumoase.
Atent supravegheati de personal calificat, tanar, vesel, dinamic, copiii descopera cu zambetul pe buze, tainele muzicii, ale desenului, tainele dansului sportiv si ale limbii engleze.
Academia Strumfilor isi propune indeplinirea obiectivelor generale prin respectarea drepturilor.
Strumfi promovati
ani de experienta
Colectivul nostru si-a propus sa creeze un mediu unde copiii sa invete, sa creasca, sa se dezvolte si sa lege prietenii frumoase.
The results obtained were beyond expectations
Consectetur adipiscing elit seds eiusmo tempor incide
Daily fun learning activities for children
Consectetur adipiscing elit seds eiusmo tempor incide
High quality team develop together
Consectetur adipiscing elit seds eiusmo tempor incide
Brain development game for childrens
Consectetur adipiscing elit seds eiusmo tempor incide
Have funs working on small groups
Consectetur adipiscing elit seds eiusmo tempor incide
Comprehensive physical and mental
Consectetur adipiscing elit seds eiusmo tempor incide
Classes to develop painting talent for children
Consectetur adipiscing elit seds eiusmo tempor incide
Fun after-school activities for kids
Consectetur adipiscing elit seds eiusmo tempor incide
De ce sa ne alegeti
10 ani de experienta in educatie! oferind caracteristici extraordinare
Cu o gama larga de activitati, inclusiv arte si mestesuguri si activitati fizice. Personalul nostru se implica cu copiii dumnevastra
Educatori si invatatori
Avem educatori si invatatori cu experienta pentru a-i invata pe copii prin cele mai bune metode astfel incat sa putem avea rezultate remarcabile.
Inscrieri online
Inscrie-ti Strumful online in 2 minute.
Parents Feedback
What Parents Say About Our Kinco Kindergarten
Bradley Y. Grimes
Senior Manager
“ On the other hand denounce with right eouses
indignation and dislike men who are so beguiledec
and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of
the moment”
Ronaldo D.Lima
“ On the other hand denounce with right eouses
indignation and dislike men who are so beguiledec
and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of
the moment”
Roberto Carlos
Senior Manager
“ On the other hand denounce with right eouses
indignation and dislike men who are so beguiledec
and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of
the moment”
Leo Kane
Senior Manager
“ On the other hand denounce with right eouses
indignation and dislike men who are so beguiledec
and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of
the moment”